Jewish Community Center Letter

Jewish Community Center Letter

December 5, 1997

Dear Jan:
I would like to thank you for coming to speak to the Charlotte Jewish Singles on December 4, 1997. Your effort and preparation was evident in your presentation. Everyone especially enjoyed the “Treasury Map” you constructed.

You helped people recognize that before you find happiness with someone else, you must be happy with yourself. Your approach was refreshingly different and helped our group see a unique perspective to dating and relationships. Being single isn’t a disease that needs to be “cured”, and you helped us see that.

Your spiritual guidance reassured even the most gun-shy that they could get out in the dating world again and not be afraid. Confidence in themselves is the key to discovering the real you before moving on to a relationship.

Good luck in all future endeavors!

Becky Cohen

Singles’ Director, JCC of Charlotte


Jan Wise

Jan Wise has successfully matched hundreds of singles nationwide and is personally responsible for nearly as many marriages. Jan’s clients are “cream of the crop” professionals who are interested in finding their soul mates but are too busy to track down that special partner. With every new client, Jan conducts an in-depth, private consultation to determine exactly what constitutes that client’s “perfect match”. Contact Jan Wise at 770-841-3196

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